As the lock-down will be ongoing for the foreseeable future, please can the government make provision for daily outdoor play for children, to equate with adult exercise? This is vital for children’s mental health.
Could communities (especially for close and flat weans) be allowed to garden share? Could parks or green spaces be open ONLY for families with young childen, two times a week, say from 12.00 to 16.00 hours. Could football/tennis/bowling grounds be used for this purpose too?
Could you make a clear, strict list of acceptable play activities that ensure family group only, low-contact activities? If the times and places are clear then society will equate this playtime as equal to shopping for food or travel by key workers.
Play is essential activity for kids. Please, please try to harness all the resources we have in Scotland to make it truly a world leader in looking after children after the pandemic.
@Felløper – currently a university play researcher, formerly outdoor playworker and play designer
If you have any further suggestions for how we can get children outdoors and active during the lockdown, please post them below and we’ll pass them on to the Scottish government.